How to Configure the Letter Writing Process

Letter Writing Process

*** A developer is required to make configurations inside your installation before you start to configure anything  ***

Phase 1: We want to make sure your installation is updated to the latest Branch and that we add Letters into your installation.

Setting up Letters

  • Make sure to update to the latest Branch

    • This can be done in the System Manager component

  • Add Letters into installation

    • Go to Site Planner component

    • From the Site Plan side

      • Right-click on Default (Site)

        • Click Manage Components

        • Click Add

          • Component: Letters

        • Click Save & Close

      • Right-click on Dashboard

        • Click Manage Components

        • Click Add

          • Component: Letters

          • Sponsor Relationship: Sponsor of

        • Click Save & Close

Phase 2: We want to configure a CRON Job that will allow letters to be processed within your installation

Configuring the CRON Job

  • Add

    • Component - Letters

    • Action - processLetters

    • Active - Check Yes

Phase 3: Now, let’s begin the structure for our letters. We will have two dashboard views, one for admin and one for our sponsors. Let’s set up the folders and pages

Configuring the Admin Dashboard with Pages 

Sites > Default > Dashboard > All Pages 

Right-Click on All Pages

  • Add Folder:

  • Name: Letters

  • Click Save and Close

Right-Click on Letters Folder

Add Page

  • Name: All Letters

  • Click Save and Close

Add Page

  • Name: All Sponsored Children

  • Click Save and Close

Add Page

  • Name: Match Letters

  • Click Save and Close

Add Page

  • Name: Preview Letters

  • Click Save and Close

Configuring the Sponsor Dashboard 

Sites > Default > Default (Website) > All Pages > Users > User Pages > Child Dashboard Pages

Right-Click on Children Dashboard Pages

  • Add Folder:

  • Name: Letters

  • Click Save and Close

Right-Click on Letters Folder

Add Page

  • Name: My Letters

  • Click Save and Close

Add Page

  • Name: My Sponsored Children

  • Click Save and Close

Add Page

  • Name: Write a Letter

  • Click Save and Close

Phase 4: Now, let’s configure the modules for our admin dashboard and sponsors

Configuring the Modules for Admin

Under Content Explorer, find the Dashboards - Modules Folder, right-click on the folder, add folder

  • Name: Letters

  • Click Save and Close

Now, inside the Letters folder you just created, let’s configure the modules. 

  • Right-click

New Module

  • All Children

    • Module: Relationship

    • Name: All Children

    • Filters:

      • Relation Type ID

        • Data Field: Relation Type ID

        • Filter Type: Selection

        • Label: Relation Type ID

        • Is Hidden: Yes

        • Values: Sponsor By

    • Columns:

      • Child Name

        • Data Field: Name

        • Label: Child Name

      • Sponsor Name

        • Data Field: Name

        • Label: Sponsor Name

    • Actions:

      • Download Child Letters

        • Action Type: Download Child Letters

        • Action Text: Download Child Letters

        • Allow Bulk: Yes

        • Matching Type: Sponsor/Child

        • Sponsor ID: Person ID

        • Child ID: Person ID

  • Click Save and Close

New Module

  • All Letters

    • Module: Letters Grid

    • Name: All Letters

    • Filters:

      • Status

        • Data Field: Status

        • Filter Type: Selection

        • Label: Status

        • Limit Options: Upload, Review, Accepted, Rejected

      • Downloaded

        • Data Field: Downloaded

        • Filter Type: Date

        • Label: Downloaded

      • Letter Date

        • Data Field: Letter Date

        • Filter Type: Date

        • Label: Letter Date

        • Criteria Type: Between

      • Type

        • Data Field: Type

        • Filter Type: Selection

        • Label: Type

        • Limit Options: Sponsor to Child Letter, Child to Sponsor Letter

      • Sponsor Person ID

        • Data Field: Sponsor Person ID

        • Filter Type: Person

        • Label: Sponsor Person ID

    • Columns

      • Status

        • Data Field: Status

        • Label: Status

      • Type

        • Data Field: Type

        • Label: Type

      • Sponsor

        • Data Field: Sponsor Name

        • Name: Sponsor

      • Child

        • Data Field: Child Name

        • Label: Child

      • Letter Date

        • Data Field: Letter Date

        • Label: Letter Date

        • Default: Yes

        • Sort Direction: Descending 

      • Downloaded Date

        • Data Field: Downloaded

        • Label: Downloaded Date

    • Actions:

      • Review Child Letter

        • Action Type: Review Letter

        • Action Text: Review Letter

        • Allow Bulk: Yes

        • Review Page: Review Letters

      • Download Child Letters

        • Action Type: Download Child Letters

        • Action Text: Download Child Letters

        • Allow Bulk: Yes

        • Matching Type: Letter

        • Letter ID: ID

      • Download Sponsor Letters

        • Action Type: Download Sponsor Letters 

        • Action Type: Download Sponsor Letters

        • Allow Bulk: Yes

        • Letter Templates: Sponsor Letter

    • Click Save and Close

New Module

  • Match Letters

    • Module: Match Letters

    • Name: Match Letters

    • Sponsor Types: Sponsor, Previous Sponsor

    • Child Types: Child, Departed Child

    • Letters Dashboard: All Letters

  • Click Save and Close

New Module

  • Review Letters 

    • Module: Review Letters

    • Name: Review Letters

    • Letters Dashboard: All Letters

  • Click Save and Close

New Module

  • Upload Letters

    • Module: Upload Letters

    • Name: Upload Letters

    • Description: EXAMPLE: Instructions

    • Match Letters: Match Letters

  • Click Save and Close

Now we will configure the modules for Sponsors

Under Content Explorer, find the Modules Folder, right-click on the folder, add folder

  • Name: Letters

  • Click Save and Close

Now, inside the Letters folder you just created, let’s configure the modules. 

  • Right-click

New Module

  • Write Letter

    • Module: Write Letter

    • Name: Write Letter

    • Module Title: Write to your child

    • Description: EXAMPLE: Instructions

    • Image Uploads: Yes or No (This will allow Sponsors to upload photos to send to their sponsored child)

    • Submit Redirect: My Letters

    • Cancel Redirect: My Letters

  • Click Save and Close

New Module

  • Sponsor Children

    • Module: CRM

    • Name: Sponsor Children

    • Module Title: My Children

    • Grid View: Yes

    • With logged in person: Yes

    • Contact Type: Individual

    • Filters

      • My sponsored children

        • Filter Type: CRM Relationship

        • Label: My sponsored children

        • Is Hidden: Yes

        • Relation Types: Sponsored by

        • Logged in person: Yes

    • Columns

      • Name

        • Data Field: Name

        • Label: Name

        • Default: Yes

        • Sort Direction: Ascending

      • Gender

        • Data Field: Gender

        • Label: Gender

      • Birthday

        • Data Field: Birthday

        • Label: Birthday

      • Risk Factor

        • Data Field: Risk Factor

        • Label: Risk Factor

        • Not Sortable: Check

    • Actions

      • Write a Letter

        • Action Type: Redirect with Params

        • Action Text: Write a Letter

        • Site Page: Write a Letter

        • Param: Get | person_id | ID

  • Click Save and Close

New Module

  • Sponsor Letters

    • Module: Letters Grid

    • Name: Sponsor Letters

    • Filters

      • Status

        • Data Field: Status

        • Filter Type: Selection

        • Label: Status

        • Is Hidden: Yes

        • Limit Options: Review, Accepted, Rejected

        • Values: Review, Accepted, Rejected

      • Sponsor Person ID

        • Data Field: Sponsor Person ID

        • Filter Type: Selection

        • Label: Sponsor Person ID

        • Is Hidden: Yes

        • Logged in Person: Yes

    • Columns

      • Status

        • Data Field: Status

        • Label: Status

      • Type

        • Data Field: Type

        • Label: Type

      • Letter Date

        • Data Field: Letter Date

        • Label: Letter Date

        • Default: Yes

        • Sort Direction: Descending

      • Child Name

        • Data Field: Child Name

        • Label: Child Name

      • Risk Factor

        • Data Field: Risk Factor

        • Label: Risk Factor

    • Actions

      • Preview Letter

        • Action Type: Preview Letter

        • Action Text: Preview Letter

        • Default Template: Sponsor Letter

      • Download Letter

        • Action Type: Download Child Letters

        • Action Text: Download Letters

        • Allow Bulk: Yes

        • Matching Type: Letters

        • Letter ID: ID

  • Click Save and Close

Phase 5: Now, let’s add our wrapper to our pages and publish our modules to the appropriate pages 

Piecing it all together

  • Folder: Admin

  • Page: All Letters

    • Add Wrapper

      • Position: Body

      • View: Module Holder

      • View Class: Cancel Min Height

    • Add Module: Upload Letters

    • Add Wrapper

      • Position: Body

      • View: Module Holder

      • View Class: Cancel Min Height

    • Add Module: All Letters

  • Page: All Sponsored Letters

    • Add Wrapper

      • Position: Body

      • View: Module Holder

      • View Class: Cancel Min Height

    • Add Module: All Children

  • Page: Match Letters

    • Add Wrapper

      • Position: Body

      • View: Module Holder

      • View Class: Cancel Min Height

    • Add Module: Match Letters

  • Page: Review Letters

    • Add Wrapper

      • Position: Body

      • View: Module Holder

      • View Class: Cancel Min Height

    • Add Module: Review Letters

  • Folder: Sponsor

    • Page: My Letters

      • Add Wrapper

        • Position: Body

        • View: Module Holder

        • View Class: Cancel Min Height

      • Add Module: Sponsor Letters

    • Page: My Sponsored Children

      • Add Wrapper

        • Position: Body

        • View: Module Holder

        • View Class: Cancel Min Height

      • Add Module: Sponsor Children

    • Page: Write a Letter

      • Add Wrapper

        • Position: Body

        • View: Module Holder

        • View Class: Cancel Min Height

      • Add Module: Write a Letter

Phase 6: Now that the pages and modules are published, let’s create menus for our sponsors and admin and publish the menus. 

Creating the Menus

Menu One:

  • Open Site Planner Component

  • On the content explorer side, expand Default

  • Right-Click on the Dashboards - Menus Folder

  • Click Add Folder

    • Name: Letters

    • Save and Close

  • Right-Click on the Letters Folder

  • Click Add Menu

    • Name: Admin

    • Workflow: Published

    • Click Save

    • Click Manage Menu Items

    • Right-Click on Menu Items

    • Click Add

      • Name: All Letters

      • Page: All Letters

      • Click Save and Close

    • Click Add

      • Name: All Sponsored Children

      • Page: All Sponsored Children

      • Click Save and Close

    • Click Add

      • Name: Match Letters

      • Page: Match Letters

      • Click Save and Close

    • Save and Close the menu

Now, let’s publish this menu. 

  • On the Site Plan side, Right-Click on Dashboard and click View Assigned Content

  • Drag and drop the Letters menu to Assigned Content

    • Position: Sidebar

    • View: Main Menu

    • Click Save and Close

Now let’s add the menu items for our Sponsors:

  • Under the Content Explorer side

  • Expand the Menus folder and find the User Menu

  • Right-Click on User Menu

  • Click Edit

  • Click Manage Menu Items

  • Right-Click on Menu Items

  • Click Add

    • Name: My Letters

    • Page: My Letters

    • Click Save and Close

  • Right-Click on Sponsor Dashboard

  • Click Edit

    • Name: My Sponsored Children

    • Page: My Sponsored Children

    • Click Save and Close

  • Now, Save and Close the menu. Since this menu is already published, we do not need to do anything else. 

Phase 7: Now, let’s configure Spark 

Adding Spark

  • Person Relation Assignment

    • Add Event

      • Relation Type: Sponsor Of

      • Link Relation Type: Sponsored By

    • Add Outcome

      • Outcome: New Child Letter

      • Sponsor: Person

      • Child: Related Person

Modified on Fri, 15 Sep, 2023 at 10:08 AM

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